Weekly post

  • Posted by : Admin 1 September 2013

    Bagaimana kabar sahabat blogger sekalian? ma'af saya udah lma gk bloggeran, mungkin udah berbulan-bulan. Dan mungkin ada perubahan penampilan dari blogku agar lebih enteng dibuka.

    Hari ini sy akn share tentang mod/editan buat yg udh bosen dgn C&C Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. Nama modnya adl Apocalypse (bukan kiamat 2012 lho ya wkwkwk) versi 3.3.000.
    Cara penggunaannya sgt mudah, yg penting punya C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri versi 1.000 atau 1.001.
    1. Pertama download dulu modnya disini
    2. Ekstrak file yg didownload tadi ke tempat Red Alertnya
    3. Buka Enable.bat, kalau sudah ada tulisan "Press Any Key To Continue..." tekan salah satu tombol di keyboard anda nanti aplikasi akan keluar yg berarti mod sudah aktif.
    4. Kalau versi Yuri yg anda punya versi 1.000 buka dulu v1000fix.bat( Kalau versi yg anda punya 1.001 tdk perlu dilalui step ini)
    5. Mainkan Gamenya
    Note: Hanya work di versi 1.000 atau 1.001
    Kalau ingin mematikan mod tinggal buka disable.bat. Perubahan yg dapat kita nikmati adl sbb:
    Infantry :     27
    Naval units :  14
    Air units :    20

    Ground units : 30
    Structures :   39
    SuperWeapons : 10
    Total added : 140

                >> Sub-Section 1: Infantry Units

        Allied Men:
    0) General Stratos (Hero)
    1) Prism Trooper
    2) Chrono G.I.
    3) Cyborg Commando
    4) Field Medic
    5) SAS
    6) Chrono Marine
    7) Chrono Blocker

        Soviet Men:
    0) General Volkov (Hero)
    1) Acid Trooper
    2) Terminator T-4000
    3) Special Forces
    4) Soviet Stealth Spy
    5) Ghost
    6) Tesla Commando
    7) Saboteur
    8) Heavy Conscript

        Yuri Men:
    0) General Stallion (Hero)
    1) T-Rex
    2) Flamer
    3) Hijacker
    4) Mad Dog
    5) Marine Clone
    6) Synthetic
    7) Rocket Trooper

        Special troopers:
    0) Chrono Yuri Prime (Yuri Special)
    1) Soviet Sniper (Stolen Soviet Tech)

    Total new infantry count: 27

                >> Sub-Section 2: Naval Units

        Allied Fleet:
    0) Allied Missile Sub
    1) Advanced Aircraft Carrier Mk II
    2) Battlecruiser
    3) Repair Ship

        Soviet Fleet:
    0) Tesla Destroyer
    1) Heavy Cruiser
    2) Advanced Missile Corvette
    3) Advanced Nuclear Dreadnought

        Yuri Fleet:
    0) Gunboat
    1) Sea Wraith
    2) Battleship
    3) Swarm Ship
    4) Suicide Torpedo
    5) Psy Corvette

    Total new naval units count: 14

                >> Sub-Section 3: Air Units

        Allied Airpower:
    0) Ion Satellite
    1) F117A
    2) Apache
    3) F18 Interceptor
    4) F15 Totality

        Soviet Airpower:
    0) SU27
    1) MiG 49
    2) Hind Transport
    3) Cosmonaut
    4) Borg Sphere Prime

        Yuri Airpower:
    0) Magnetic Disk
    1) Golden Eagle Fighter
    2) Drop Ship
    3) JetPack Marine
    4) Strike Bomber
    5) Super Cobra
    6) Chaos Missile

        Special air units:
    0) Borg Tactical Cube (Soviets Special)
    1) Strike Fighter (Used by Airstrike)
    2) Swarm Fighter (Swarm Ship's fighters)

    Total new air units count: 20

                >> Sub-Section 4: Ground Units

        Allied Army:
    0) Xaeus Tank      
    1) Kodiak
    2) Demolisher Tank
    3) Advanced Chrono Miner
    4) Challanger Heavy Tank
    5) Mirage Transport
    6) Chrono Prison Tank
    7) Rocket Buggy

        Soviet Army:
    0) Katyusha
    1) Advanced Uranium Tank   
    2) Quake Tank
    3) Repair Drone
    4) Suicide Drone
    5) Demolitions Drone       
    6) Inferno War Miner
    7) Bronevaya Maschina Piekhota
    8) Armageddon Tank
    9) S.C.U.D.

       Yuri Army:
    0) APC
    1) Recon Bike
    2) Disruptor Tank
    3) Stealth Tank
    4) Monster Tank
    5) Scorpius Eradication Tank
    6) Railgun Half-Track
    7) Repair Truck
    8) Quad Tank
    9) Device Scrambler
       Special ground units:
    0) Chrono-A BOMB (Allies-Special)
    1) Distortion Tank (Stolen Yuri Tech)

    Total new ground units count: 30

                >>> Sub-Section 5: Structures

        Allied Structures:
    0) Advanced Prism Tower
    1) Guard Tower
    2) Small Nuclear Reactor
    3) Advanced Airforce Research Facility
    4) Communications Defense
    5) Super Gap Generator
    6) Neutron Turret

        Soviet Structures:
    0) Advanced Tesla Coil
    1) Land Mine
    2) Stealth Generator
    3) Advanced Nuclear Research Facility
    4) Ex-KGB Elite Training Facility
    5) Multifunctional Helicopter Pad
    6) AA Converted Flame Tower
    7) Advanced Radar Dome
    8) AT Turret

        Yuri Structures:
    0) Psychic Resonator
    1) Sniper Guard Tower
    2) Cold Fusion Power Plant
    3) Special Projects Research Facility
    4) Crystal Gap Generator
    5) Crystal Ball
    6) War Hospital 
    7) Airstrike Command
    8) Air Pad
    9) AA Cannon
    A) Emergency Power Generator
    B) Railgun Turret

        Common Structures:
    0) Oil Derrick
    1) Tech Machine Shop
    2) Sonic Torpedo Tower
    3) Water Platform Cannon

        Special Structures:
    0) Allied Tech Airport (Stolen Allied Tech)
    1) Soviet Tech Airport (Stolen Soviet Tech)
    2) Yuri Tech Airport (Stolen Yuri Tech)
    3) Elite Tech Airport (Stolen Tech - All)
    4) Chrono Reactor (Stolen Allied Tech)

        Unique Structures:
    00) Paradox Device (Unknown)
    01) Sensor Defence (Unknown)
    Total new structures count: 39

                >> Sub-Section 6: Superweapons

        Allied Superweapons:
    0) Translocation
        Soviet Superweapons:
    0) Para Bombs

        Yuri Superweapons:
    0) Airstrike

        Special Superweapons:
    0) Allied Reinforcements (Stolen Tech - Allies) 
    1) Soviet Reinforcements (Stolen Tech - Soviets)
    2) Yuri Reinforcements (Stolen Tech - Yuri)
    3) Extra ParaBombs (Stolen Tech - All)
    4) Elite Reinforcements (Stolen Tech - All)
        Unique Superweapons: 
    0) The Paradox (classified)
    1) The Force (classified)

    Total new superweapons count: 10

                >> Sub-Section 7: Crates

        Here's what crates can give you (or take you).
    Armor - The unit that gathered the crate will have upgraded armor
    with a (initial armor x1.5) value.
    Cash - $ added to your initial $.
    Firepower - Double Damage (initial damage x2).
    Promotion - Units near crate will be promoted to Elite.
    SpySat - Shows you all the map (except under GAP/Stealth).
    GAPGen - Anti-SpySat, will GAP all the Map. To counter: sell your
    SpySat/Adv.Radar/C-Ball and rebuild it.
    Speed - Upgrades speed to 1.2 of initial value.
    Resource - The crate will spread some resources near.
    Explosion - The crate will blow up destroying most of the units (few can resist the blow).
    Napalm - Same as above, but blows with napalm.
    Gas - The crate will generate a lot of toxic gas after explosion.
    Free4U - You get a free unit. It can be anything from Miner to Ship.
    Chrono - The crate will chronoshift to another location.

                >> Sub-Section 8: Paradrop info

        You will get this if you paradrop paratroopers.
    Soviets: 9 Conscripts, 4 Flack Troopers and 3 Tesla Commando
    Allies: 6 GIs, 4 Guardian GIs and 3 SEALs
    Yuri: 6 Initiates, 4 Marine Clones and 3 Yuri

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